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01454 629727 rob@fletchershaw.co.uk

UK News

The supermarket says the rise will benefit about 28,000 employees as it becomes the latest chain to lift wages.
Beijing's move comes after President Donald Trump imposed a 10% levy on goods imported from China.
Imports of the metals will be hit with a 25% levy, a move that will have the biggest impact in Canada.
The government has agreed a new subsidy arrangement with the controversial wood-burning Drax power station in north Yorkshire.
The growth is led by a tourism boom, with Spain nearing France as the world's most visited country.

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Value Move   %     
FTSE 100
8,767.8067.27 stock arrow0.77 stock arrow
FTSE All Share
4,760.7941.84 stock arrow0.89 stock arrow
Value Move   %     
1.20-0.02 stock arrow0.00 stock arrow
United States Dollar
1.24-0.10 stock arrow0.00 stock arrow
Data is compiled by Adviser Portals Ltd every 60 minutes. Information is not realtime. Last updated: 10/02/2025 at 05:00 PM